they seem that Japanese mad soldier who still thinks to be in WW2... hence Liam Gallagher song "I'm outta time" 😄... fighting like a cow... he looked dead in that video, dressed like a cowboy... obviously he says it's Noel a cowboy... as LiaR, they don't really "move on"... (uses Oasis reunion fake story to sell new albums)
now his being homophobic against Russians makes "sense"... and he acts as the politically correct one to get attention from new blinded arselickers-fankids of the lost generation without a future... "sporting" an Ukrainian flag...
the green hypocrites obviously have fridges...
Putin said Italy is different and will take it in consideration...
They're preparing a conventional, anachronstic WW3 with GROUND troops in Russia... it's an admission of West inferiority...
they show they know to be inferior from a nuclear point of view, so they try via land, that is a complete suicide even much worse than Vietnam, not only for history repeating, also Russia "playing at home", knowing the places
Continue reading...
now his being homophobic against Russians makes "sense"... and he acts as the politically correct one to get attention from new blinded arselickers-fankids of the lost generation without a future... "sporting" an Ukrainian flag...
virtue guilty conscience eh...
now his son being racist makes "sense"...
No wonder "role model" Liam'got that fame, a violent dickhead even pictured with a swastika. Obviously he posted an Ukraine flag.
old fans know that everything between the Gallaghers is directed to the other... that's why Noel had a recent video with "queers"... (is that the "correct" name?)
Noel couldn't care less about lgbt, in fact he said fuck off.
we are in World World 3, as the other day the missiles killing 67 Russians were Usa missiles... Russia can hit London, Berlin, Washington... we'd suggest not staying on Germany side (removing nuclear is a suicide), as they tend to lose World Wars eh... EU losers side. Would you suggest bombing Paris of Oasis split and various troubles?

curious (Noel used to say : just sing One and shut the fuck up), his masonic friend Bono even making a song, Navalny was "xenophobic" and "right extremist" according to the leftists (that Noel hates), now that he died (even the Ukrainian Intelligence said he was not killed) he's a hero for them... also, the same people supporting Nazi who boycotted Russia (with sanctions they had to fail in 1 week eh... sending billions for weapons "for peace") and now we pay higher bills (Oasis "the bills waiiiiiting"), tell us to turn off the electricity (to save the planet, good distraction) for one day... wow... ("M'illumino di merda" - meno). Liam says Bono is crazy and would rather eat shit. We never believe Liam opinions because he always changes them and probably hasn't one... (never read a book in his life, his fans prefer him as they're more similar to an idiot) ...everything regarding him is jealousy towards Noel.
Se è debole allora cosa continuano a far terrorismo col pericolo russo sui media, mandiamo l'Ufficio Sinistri a combattere...
Biden reminds us of "mortadella" Prodi, a PUPPET placed there looking "good" to the people (we naive kids even voted at Noel-Blair times) even feeling compassion for him, meanwhile it's other wicked ones deciding... during Prodi even the Euro coin... in common they also have the election fraud, Prodi in 2006, Oasis times.
Noel hates the internet because Liam is a troll, even a stalker with his ex-wife Sara... no reunion obviously, with all the bullshit he says. He also changes Oasis history counting on the people's short memory (or not even born new fans)
Time passes and the same happens with people changing history how they would like it happened.
"Let's put women in power", some used to say... Lagarde, Von der Leyen, great results eh... our first-time-a-woman wowowow is taking us into WW3... gonna be fucked as her with her EX-man...
we've seen Noel saying (again) Brexit is a total disaster etc (probably because it wasn't done the right way)... right, should've stayed in the Eu where everything works ahahahaha ...a nightmare.
your very useful migrants will be used for war, in exchange of Italian nationality, citizenship.
We see people saying things like : what should they do, only Russia can attack? so go attack Russia! ... Absolutely, so you are in favour of the destruction of the West, I'm pleased as I agree about that... Oasis nihilism ^^
old fans know that everything between the Gallaghers is directed to the other... that's why Noel had a recent video with "queers"... (is that the "correct" name?)
Noel couldn't care less about lgbt, in fact he said fuck off.
Obviously the "ukraine fans" (as if it was football) say Hitler is Putin... everything that is not their "dem", "democratic" opinion is nazi... Ukraine a democracy eh sure...
same as childish teenage Liam insulting behind Twitter everybody who is not the same as him... what a great man... without balls
It was clear what the shite person that Noel had to deal with
now it makes "sense" Liam insulting disabled people and even menacing of death for football on the internet as a teenager.
And even worse : USING disabled people to insult
we are in World World 3, as the other day the missiles killing 67 Russians were Usa missiles... Russia can hit London, Berlin, Washington... we'd suggest not staying on Germany side (removing nuclear is a suicide), as they tend to lose World Wars eh... EU losers side. Would you suggest bombing Paris of Oasis split and various troubles?
"We have to fight Russia"... Russia can easily cancel "Great" Britain from Google Maps... as a mosquito... go on underrating them... Napoleon mistakes vs Russia & Britain at the same time... Usa with Ukraine & Israel... come on keep supporting Taiwan... at least this time Unied States and Britain won't have to bomb again women and children in Milan too...
The main musicians are against Israel... usually Oasis are not as the main musicians... now Liam (songs being written & produced, sucking corporate dicks, come on keep giving money to corporations) with Ukraine as all the shite musicians (servant Liam is not even a real musician, an autotuned tambourine player, di talented that he always needs someone else he pays, as bitches), servants of masonic shite. Noel just said what it's gonna be...
Nato obtained what they wanted... WW3 started without the people really realising... the mainstream says you must support Ukraine... you can even stop following politics, the "good ones" decide for you whatever they do... a Russian said a laughter will bury them...
if they tell the people a new virus infects at middle height in the air, they go around crawling as sheep...
There was "Putin, The Hague awaits"... they missed the United Nations thing... Russians were attacked before...
if they tell the people a new virus infects at middle height in the air, they go around crawling as sheep...
There was "Putin, The Hague awaits"... they missed the United Nations thing... Russians were attacked before...
for the Eu & Zelensky : NÜRNBERG awaits...
we are lucky that Putin is much more intelligent than the West... imagine if in his place there was Korea's Kim Jong Un...
The West definitely needs a lesson....
We feel sorry for Ukrainian people because they're being used by the Usa...

curious (Noel used to say : just sing One and shut the fuck up), his masonic friend Bono even making a song, Navalny was "xenophobic" and "right extremist" according to the leftists (that Noel hates), now that he died (even the Ukrainian Intelligence said he was not killed) he's a hero for them... also, the same people supporting Nazi who boycotted Russia (with sanctions they had to fail in 1 week eh... sending billions for weapons "for peace") and now we pay higher bills (Oasis "the bills waiiiiiting"), tell us to turn off the electricity (to save the planet, good distraction) for one day... wow... ("M'illumino di merda" - meno). Liam says Bono is crazy and would rather eat shit. We never believe Liam opinions because he always changes them and probably hasn't one... (never read a book in his life, his fans prefer him as they're more similar to an idiot) ...everything regarding him is jealousy towards Noel.
Noel has a bit of the opposite problem, he read too many (Liam : "you was in bed fuckin reading your fuckin books"), which is good, but being into history, spy stories etc then he says "strange" things
Se è debole allora cosa continuano a far terrorismo col pericolo russo sui media, mandiamo l'Ufficio Sinistri a combattere...
with this at least Liam can say to follow German Adidas from Bavaria as illuminati 1776...
Liam's 3.6 million Twitter-X followers are mainly inactive users, fake accounts and bought ones as all millionaire celebrities do...
or really millions of people would follow a violent twat ? probably...
Patrick Sanders the new Napoleon 🤦 who learned nothing from history, tells about "fighting Russia"... why everybody wants to commit suicide? orders from fucking Davos? go invade small Russia ahaha with ground troops, good luck...
Sleepy Joe represents well his sleepy voters...
Fanculo a Napoleone ladro... Prodi & company Legion d'onore in Francia, Noel li sfanculerebbe... pieno di commenti Twitter positivi sotto al Pd dopo la fiaccolata x Navalny aha... gli anziani plagiati a Milano non vanno più a guardare i cantieri con le braccia dietro tipo Liam? bocciofila? non hanno problemi con le bollette? gliele paga il sindaco Salam? (dopo che PisaPirla aveva esentato, chiede gli arretrati in prescrizione, per fare cassa come con le macchine "responsabili" dell'inquinamento...)
Trudeau, Zelensky e Von der Leyen (Macron aveva la scusa degli agricoltori), i nipotini di Soros con le mani sporche di sangue, genocidi e stragi a beneficio della finanza di armi e farmaci, Meloni insieme a loro
Fidel Castro was right, war in Europe between Russia and "fascism being called democracy"...
Noel hates the internet because Liam is a troll, even a stalker with his ex-wife Sara... no reunion obviously, with all the bullshit he says. He also changes Oasis history counting on the people's short memory (or not even born new fans)
Time passes and the same happens with people changing history how they would like it happened.
At the end of 2021 Putin offered an agreement to stop Nato expansion, they refused.
4 days before the invasion, Zelensky attacked Donbass, and we perfectly remember the day before he said they would've joined Nato...
The media have always been saying "no reason for invasion"...
"we made a career thanks to war"
remember "Moscow (Saint George as England & Milan) rules"... he repented of that recent song
Liam's life outta time
Zelensky makes people support Putin even more... who is Zelensky to say what we should think ?
Zelensky makes people support Putin even more... who is Zelensky to say what we should think ?
an ex comedian "playing" piano with a short dick, on drugs
Kaliningrad (beautiful women) is rumoured to be attacked by Nato (the other countries told Macron to fuck off) so obviously Russia will hit back...
you remember, to have Oasis reunion "something big" had to happen... Lucio Dalla in the song "Futura" (name given to a future daughter), the way he repeats "i russi... i russi... gli americani" seems to say : are you seriously messing with Russians? you must be mad (he had also anticipated vaccines side effects). "...IF it will be still possible to count the sea waves..."
Can't wait for Russia hitting back for a lesson to the stupid West... would be quite deserved for all France did in Africa... and consequences with immigration
Russia faster & longer range & more powerful than Nato Oasis Supersonic... hypersonic is 8 times faster than sound, supersonic 3.5... Russian missiles have no rivals in the world... Mig 31 with Kinzhal, also intercontinental R / P 36M now RS-28 Sarmat (called SS-30 Satan by Nato) and Avangard, etc... those in power at Eu, Usa etc are "green" (that Noel hates) are they sure WAR is something "green"? (as fake "green" electric cars) ...weren't they "saving the planet"? più che ecologica x la gente sarà eCULOgica...
Kaliningrad (beautiful women) is rumoured to be attacked by Nato (the other countries told Macron to fuck off) so obviously Russia will hit back...
you remember, to have Oasis reunion "something big" had to happen... Lucio Dalla in the song "Futura" (name given to a future daughter), the way he repeats "i russi... i russi... gli americani" seems to say : are you seriously messing with Russians? you must be mad (he had also anticipated vaccines side effects). "...IF it will be still possible to count the sea waves..."
Can't wait for Russia hitting back for a lesson to the stupid West... would be quite deserved for all France did in Africa... and consequences with immigration
Russia faster & longer range & more powerful than Nato Oasis Supersonic... hypersonic is 8 times faster than sound, supersonic 3.5... Russian missiles have no rivals in the world... Mig 31 with Kinzhal, also intercontinental R / P 36M now RS-28 Sarmat (called SS-30 Satan by Nato) and Avangard, etc... those in power at Eu, Usa etc are "green" (that Noel hates) are they sure WAR is something "green"? (as fake "green" electric cars) ...weren't they "saving the planet"? più che ecologica x la gente sarà eCULOgica...
now ze Germanz cowards basically retired, after the Crimean bridge fact of Scholz. France is sending soldiers... can't wait for Russia hitting them
Incredible that WW3 didn't officially start yet... many "casus belli"... it's not for conscience (they don't have), they're all secretly scared... (that's why they act "bold"... as Liam...obviously he says scaredy cat about Noel... Liam not even the balls to call... only a coward stalker on the phone with women). The Usa said if Ukraine loses (already lost... so the Usa are happy.... more war) : war vs Russia.
biggest bullshit ever heard : Americans are HELPING Ukraine... destroying, more like, using, and not now, since years ago, decades
the drama of a man who can be either an idiot, or faking to be politically correct as now (still an idiot), so not Oasis... asshole
the drama of a man who can be either an idiot, or faking to be politically correct as now (still an idiot), so not Oasis... asshole
at big risk as a "Lennon wannabe" (same homophobia and violence against women... plus fake pacifist) as he "wanted out" and was killed... "role model" Liam's got an unstable personality and always wants out soon or later
when he "played" fighting with a mafia, he lost his teeth and cried at Noel's door...
his fans are like Chomsky boiled frog (as Liam's autotuned frog voice), got used to shit so can't recognise shit.
(probably because they're up his arse, can only find shit there... full of shit)
Sure the Eu would be perfect for millionaires as the Gallaghers... not for the people. But he hates the Greens, so not even for him...
even ONE Russian missile can destroy ALL France... make it unlivable... in a few minutes... and Macron plays the bold bully...
we wonder how he is @ power... everybody hates him.
we wonder how he is @ power... everybody hates him.
Who voted for him ? ah the French.
Imagine the total chaos (word that Noel often uses), Oasis "this is confusiiiion", if the Eu enters war (zones of influence, who gives orders, people's panic etc), Russia is already in war for years. The Eu daily bullshit, Von der Pfizer said things as Putin wants to cancel our tradition... said from those cancelling even our food (also not affording it). Our sheep zombies still have to understand things of 4 years ago about Covid, so imagine war, Eu etc
The same people who say "Putin fraud election", they believe in vaccine "boosters", "green" and children coming out of a man arse 

We also believe in kids coming out of an arse... those people are the living example...
they're making everything "old" to change it, to make money... cars, houses, climate, sexuality, vaccines... same as their Bill Gates computers... but bringing back old Nazis
the Eu clearly WANTS war (for the consequences) : 1) substitution of the population with a weaker one, immigrants (Kalergi), so the power can control them 2) justifying the irreversible economic crisis, they make war for money 3) war will completely hide vaccines side effects (remember the timing, those 2 years and a half...) that are already very widespread
the Eu clearly WANTS war (for the consequences) : 1) substitution of the population with a weaker one, immigrants (Kalergi), so the power can control them 2) justifying the irreversible economic crisis, they make war for money 3) war will completely hide vaccines side effects (remember the timing, those 2 years and a half...) that are already very widespread
There are mainly 3 LIES they're telling you (other ones around them), we try to use simple words. 1) independent countries are wrong (and now we are at war for someone else... our own Constitution says we CANNOT go to war) 2) they make you think the problem is warming because the problem is cold, blocking electric, higher bills to pay, etc 3) fake "vaccines"
In Milan an Ukrainian Nazi beating up foreign people and saying Nazis are back and showing a swastika, got arrested
Basically the luckiest generation was born around 1945-1950 but no more with us, as our dad. The new one mocks them saying "boomer"... see what a boom is coming soon... very deserved
The same ridiculous people who turned off the lights for 1 hour for the "Earth hour" (Noel would turn everything ON), they boycotted Russia and our bills are much higher...
can't wait for Putin destroying the F16 jets... we see people laughing of him "not conquering Ukraine"... apart from that's not what he had to do, let's "laugh" of our Oasis higher "bills waiting" to pay... because laughing of believing media & politicians, "Russia failed in one week"... or laughing of billions of OUR money given for weapons to Nazis too, also sold and given to criminals coming to your countries... that could be used for much other we need.
the people know nothing about history, Donbass, Bandera, Minsk... as Liam never reading a book.
Coincidence : robberies are many more nowIn Milan an Ukrainian Nazi beating up foreign people and saying Nazis are back and showing a swastika, got arrested
Basically the luckiest generation was born around 1945-1950 but no more with us, as our dad. The new one mocks them saying "boomer"... see what a boom is coming soon... very deserved
The same ridiculous people who turned off the lights for 1 hour for the "Earth hour" (Noel would turn everything ON), they boycotted Russia and our bills are much higher...
can't wait for Putin destroying the F16 jets... we see people laughing of him "not conquering Ukraine"... apart from that's not what he had to do, let's "laugh" of our Oasis higher "bills waiting" to pay... because laughing of believing media & politicians, "Russia failed in one week"... or laughing of billions of OUR money given for weapons to Nazis too, also sold and given to criminals coming to your countries... that could be used for much other we need.
the people know nothing about history, Donbass, Bandera, Minsk... as Liam never reading a book.
Bidet (fake Christian hating the enemy) saying "Putin butcher", doesn't help for peace, it's propaganda. He even said "taking care of Ukraine"... USING Ukraine, more like... a "Christian" Nato gift for Easter this Sunday : 300,000 soldiers, TROOPS @ atomic Russia border... a suicide
Did they found a way, to make them lazy arses run away ? We're gonna laugh when they make it compulsory again, as for vaccines too...
Never heard of an earthquake in New York, bad karma sign... did they already say it's Russia's fault ? ...
"hanno stato i Loacker ruzki!!!1!!11!! "
One of the funny things about "mikranten" fighting for us, is that the great majority of Africans are for Putin... because they want to make France pay for colonialism. So we can sympathise with Africans, being a colony ourselves
Russia loves Italia, but probably hates Britain (Noel's spies stories etc) and reciprocal. The madhouse EU says to prepare even CIVILIANS to war, but Macron is probably a bluff... their typical, to obtain things...
Russia loves Italia, but probably hates Britain (Noel's spies stories etc) and reciprocal. The madhouse EU says to prepare even CIVILIANS to war, but Macron is probably a bluff... their typical, to obtain things...
"hanno stato i Loacker ruzki!!!1!!11!! "
just the same as nazi drug addict Liam insulting and then (faking) wanting peace and insulting again, they said Putin animal, butcher, Hitler etc and their Peace Conference (to show they're the good ones, because they know they're not) is obviously among themselves... (CORRUPT EU-Nato-nazi drug addict Zelensky, fake pacifists wanting war)
psychiatric cases
we see around several naive fankids of Liam who "support Ukraine"... : with national flags, you know those on the internet of "pray for...
for them supporting Ukraine from your sofa... for Liam & celebrities (who own bunkers, nuclear-proof) taking us to WW3 destroying the planet (not fake "green" bullshit that Noel hates), you can join their Foreign Legion. Your support on the internet is useless, they need fighters
the "proxy war" (guerra per procura, armatevi e partite...)
If time ago you said peace agreement was necessary, you were labelled as "Putin hacker fan"... now : peeeeeaaace...Ukrainians say they are "happy that war is coming soon to the West"... that's the way of thanking for sending billions to them... atomic bomb is coming soon for them (Russia is testing at their border)
there are (many) people in the West who think Russia is not able to conquer Ukraine... that is NOT Russia target... the people make the same mistakes their politicians make, and the reason why there is war...
"weak Putin"... so weak that you even pay higher bills... because you believed your weak politicians.
They also tell you Putin wants to conquer Europe, because it's NATO for years expanding more and more towards the East...
Bidet now wants to attack just 1 Russian base... as to say : let's just start WW3 and avoid the election... what a COWARD
Noel hating greens would explode : the United Nations (another Soros-corrupt useless, harmful organization) saying we are as at dinosaurs extinction times, obviously the man's fault as an asteroid (!) because of global warming ! 
(ovviamente il Tg3 con le puttanate ci va a nozze)
even Nobel prizes explained it's all bullshit for business...
Noel used to say it's since the 60s they tell us the fridges will kill us...the green hypocrites obviously have fridges...
it's like Chomsky boiled frog, they get used slowly...
Meanwhile, the bills are higher again because of fake "green"...
Meanwhile, the bills are higher again because of fake "green"...
Putin said Italy is different and will take it in consideration...
Macron insists because it's NATO wanting to conquer Ukraine for resources...
they show they know to be inferior from a nuclear point of view, so they try via land, that is a complete suicide even much worse than Vietnam, not only for history repeating, also Russia "playing at home", knowing the places
Attack on Russia soil with Usa weapons already happened. The Usa pushed too much with Nato expansion for decades... how would the Usa behave in Russia shoes? they would probably bomb everywhere... oh they already do it...
the sick perverts on paedophiles side that Liam supports on the internet to get attention from blinded fankids... plagiarising even children so they will vote for their failed political parties... In Ukraine they do : gay parades, going to swimming pools, using luxury cars (also thanks to our money) etc but political election : no... (Zelensky presidency expired). That's why they WANT war... to hide all the rotten shit behind. Zelensky : we make peace, history... and he wants weapons.
They use the excuse for sheep people that "Ukraine is close"... not close to the Usa eh... they use Ukraine... there are other 50 wars... Von der Pfizer : "Ukraine represents our values"... sure for her : nazism, war, corruption, robbing etc Rod Stewart (corrupt Eu Scotland fail of Celtic) supporting Ukraine and insulting Putin, and the people protested...
They use the excuse for sheep people that "Ukraine is close"... not close to the Usa eh... they use Ukraine... there are other 50 wars... Von der Pfizer : "Ukraine represents our values"... sure for her : nazism, war, corruption, robbing etc Rod Stewart (corrupt Eu Scotland fail of Celtic) supporting Ukraine and insulting Putin, and the people protested...